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Pay 4 U

  • Want to purchase products from major online shopping platforms in China, but don't have RMB?! This is not a problem at all!! CNPB will immediately submit a solution for you!
  • The convenient, reliable, and fast "Pay 4 U" service is simple and easy to help you solve the payment problem of online shopping in China. You don't need to exchange RMB, just deposit the money into our official CNPB Bank Account, and we will make payment to online stores in China for you to buy the goods you want!
  • After we complete the payment and purchase of the goods for you, the goods will be directly shipped by the online store to our professional warehouse in China. After the goods arrive at the warehouse, you can place an order and transport them to anywhere on our official website. You only need to wait for the goods to be delivered, safe, reliable, simple, and fast!